The Big Stash Of Dumb Ass Laws
No alcohol to hospital patients
Adultery is prohibited
No fornicating
Advertising relative to miscarriage or prevention of pregnancy
Instruments or other articles for self-abuse, prevention of conception or abortion, in general
Furnishing drugs, articles or information for prevention of pregnancy or conception
Crime Against Nature
Unnatural and lascivious acts
Disturbance of assembly for worship
No alcohol allowed in candy
Restrictions on Firearms
Driving cattle on public ways
No public boxing
No mules on second floor or higher except in cities
No selling of rabbits, chickens, or ducklings younger than two months
No use of stilts in construction work
So help me God oath 1
So help me God oath 2
So help you God (oath to jurors)
So help you God (oath to grand jurors)
So help you God (Oath of office for attorneys, officers of judicial courts)
Oath for non-christians and atheists
Religious services rights in prisons
Property Tax Exemptions
For God and Country Plaques
Powers and duties (on the Lord's day)
Flag: penalty for misuse
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